Voice Solutions
Premium Voice over VoIP includes
- Roaming – offering international voice traffic on roaming number ranges (MSRN) to all our offered mobile destinations.
- Fax – if requested, delivery of fax calls
- QoS best in class and aligned with market
- Online monitoring of Key KPI’s: ASR (Answer Seizure Ratio), NER (Network Effectiveness Ratio) and ALOC (Average Length of Call).
- Competitive and stable pricing

1 Chemin du Chêne Rond, 91570 Bievres, Paris
Phone number: +33 1 85 74 06 41
Email: contact@lti-networks.com
Edifício Infante, Av. D. João II, 35, 11ºA, 1990-083 Lisboa
Phone number: +351 30 050 6243
Email: contact@lti-networks.com